Can you make me a fursuit?
NO. I do not offer fursuit commissions, I am sorry.
I am not professional enough and my limited time does not allow me taking
commissions like that. I can be lucky if I find the time to make my own fursuits.
So please don't ask me how much I would take for one, because I don't.
How much does a fursuit cost?
It mainly depends on what fur you choose. Do not use very cheap fur! You will
regret it afterwards if it looks cheap or some parts become hairless after
brushing. For my suits I spent between 300,- and 500,- EUR. Good long haired fur
costs between 30,- and 60,- EUR / meter.
How long does it take to make one?
It took me between 4 and 12 weeks to finish a fursuit, depending on how much
time I was able to spend working on it. If you're quick and skilled, you can
have finished it within a month. Usually it's hard to find all material you need
at the same time, so it sometimes just takes a while until you can continue.
What material to use for the head - foam or wire?
It depends on what it easier to make for you. Check out making of websites to
get an impression what might be better for you. Wire heads are more for
technicially skilled people, foam heads more for artistic people. Foam heads are
usually lighter, but also hotter inside. Wire heads are more stable.
Do I need a fan?
You do not necessariliy need one, but it makes fursuiting much more comfortable.
You will be able to stay in suit longer if you have a good ventilation. If you're
using plastic eyes, a fan can also prevent them from fogging when it's hot.
Where to install the fan?
Best place is in the muzzle/nose. Some people also have additional fans in the
ears. I prefer the fan blowing the heat (and humidity) out of your mouth (not
blowing air inside). You can either blow out the air through the mouth or the
I want animatronics!
Be aware that animatronics like moving ears, showing teeth, wagging tails etc.
are not that simple to make, and if this is your first suit, you maybe first
should do a simple one. Tioh did a very nice website about animatronics in
fursuits (only German so far, sorry). However, making a moving jaw (to open your
mouth) is quite simple.
I want a movable jaw
You can install it in both foam or wire heads. You need a joint (wire) to open
the mouth, and a rubber band or spring to close it again [click]. On Savoy my
joint looks like this, the jaw attached to the head like this. It's a perforated
flat wire from the home depot.
How to make a bouncy tail?
If you want a tail which does not just hangs down, you need a "skeleton" for it.
This can either be foam, parts of a camping mat, or something else. Best thing
is to attach the tail construction to a belt (e.g. a kidney belt). First it has
a nice swing when you move your body, second it will not rip off that easily if
somebody pulls your tail. Remember it might get difficult to sit down with such
a tail!
What about the paws?
Think about making 2 pairs of paws (shoes) - one for indoor, one for outdoor.
Pawpads and furred soles are beautiful, but if you walk outside with them, they
will become dirty and soon be distroyed. Some people built extra shoes (sandals)
for their fursuits to protect their paws. Use waterproof shoes for outside, e.g.
with a real shoes inside. Also see the paw section here [making of body].
What kind of eyes shall I make?
There are different ways to make fursuit eyes. If you are just using plastic
mesh or stramin (you can paint it), you have the advantage that they will not
fog when it's getting hot. If you are using plastic hemispheres or sunglasses,
it looks more realistic, but it can fog (use anti-fog and install a good
ventilation). On Savoy I used plastic hemispheres and a plastic eye below (with
sunglasses as pupils).
You have a different way of view through the eyes, try what is more comfortable
for you!
How do you keep it clean?
If the body is not airbrushed, doesn't have very sensitive fur or fillings/paddings
(e.g. tail), you can wash it by hand. You can also use desinfection spray or
Febreze. For keeping the head clean I always use a balaclava when I wear it. You
can also clean it using an desinfection spray. Always check that your fursuit
has the chance to dry after suiting (do not put it into a box directly after

General tips:
If you're trying to get good fur - either try in special stores or in winter.
Many stores do not have faux fur in summer.
Make a test suit out of cheap cloth first! Nothing is more annoying than cutting
your expensive fur and then realizing - it does not fit
Use your creativity! You can abuse almost anything for a fursuit
(e.g. Indian necklaces for claws)
Be careful with hot glue! Putting on a foam head where the hot glue is still hot
is NO fun.
Learn how to perform/pose!
Nothing is more boring or creepy than a fursuiter who just stands there like a
zombie. Learn how to move, how to interact with people!
Can't say it often enough - never go out in your suit alone!
Always have somebody with you who can guide you and help you in case of an
Avoid drunken people! (carnival can be dangerous)
If you're fursuiting for a longer time, drink much water! Either put your head
off or use a straw. Dehydration will quickly knock you out.
Do not pick up children if you're fursuiting. If children are afraid of you and
cry - go away, do not try to cheer them up (it will probably make it just worse).
